A Three Day Intensive Workshop

Training Overview Software Project Management

There is a wealth of information on project management. But unfortunately, we have come to realise that only a small fraction applies to software project management. This training is about new practices and new ideas project managers ought to consider to make their software development projects succeed. Why did the traditional approaches to project management used in other industries fail in software endeavours?

This training will include a critique of the “thermostat model” of management of WBS (Work Breakdown Structure), Gantt and PERT charts, and much of the common wisdom represented in the PMBOK, for example. We will look at how a new breed of techniques and tools are emerging, more suited to software development, with iterative development and agile methods: XP, Scrum, Lean Development, Adaptive development, RUP, and how to reconcile the new with the old.

Who Should Attend Software Project Management Training

This training is specially designed for:

Software developers moving into a team leader or project management role. Software project managers who want to move from traditional approaches to agile processes. Software project managers preparing a PMP certification. Experienced project managers with little or no experience in software development.

Prerequisites: Some practical experience of software development projects

Training Objectives

By the end of this training participants will be able to:

  • Understand the complete view of the role of a software project manager
  • Understand the multiple activities
  • Have a framework with which to plan and run a software project
  • Use a variety of tools and effective techniques for software project management



1. Managing software projects

  • Types of software projects
  • What makes a software project different and difficult
  • Software project management and software development process
  • The PMBOK
  • CMMi
  • Introduction to the Rational Unified Process® (RUP) framework
  • Introduction to Agile techniques
  • What do software project managers manage?

2. Managing risks

  • Defining success and failure
  • What is a risk?
  • Taxonomy of software project risks
  • The project risk list
  • Introducing iterative development to better manage risks
  • Risk management in Agile projects

3. Managing time

  • Software development lifecycle
  • Phase and iterations in RUP®
  • Project estimations, from COCOMO to Use Case points
  • Phases and iteration planning
  • Managing time in Agile projects


4. Managing quality

  • What is software quality?
  • It’s relationship with software testing
  • Process quality and product quality
  • Reviews and inspections
  • Assessing quality
  • Measurements

5. Managing objective and scope

  • The feature/cost/time dilemma
  • Managing requirements and requirements creep
  • Earned value systems and burn-down charts
  • Time boxing
  • Scrum.

6. Managing complexity

  • Software project management and software architecture
  • The architect and the manager
  • Project dynamics
  • Keeping track of decisions and rationale
  • Programme management and portfolio management
  • Programme management and portfolio management

7. Managing software assets

  • Software as an asset
  • Configuration management
  • Software reuse
  • Intellectual property issues; licences, patents, open-source


8. Managing people

  • Skills and competencies
  • Role versus individuals
  • Team structure, distributed team
  • Intercultural factors
  • Hiring, compensating, rewarding, firing, and other HR issues
  • Software development ethics

9. Managing external stakeholders

  • Software acquisition; iterative or progressive acquisition
  • Outsourcing and offshoring.

10. Managing the software process

  • Just the right process
  • Process implementation project
  • Roles of an SEPG, and software process improvement
  • Post-mortem and retrospectives.

11. Managing software projects: wrap up

  • Putting it all together
  • Sources of information

Lead Trainer Profile: Ir. Muhammad Tavip, MPM, Cert.HR (US-Based).

  • Muhammad Tavip, Ir., MPM, Cert. HR pemegang sertifikasi internasional Project Management berdasarkan PMBOK – PMI, USA dan Human Resource Management (US-based), Alumni of Institut Teknologi Bandung (1992) dan Post Graduate Diploma dari University of South Australia, Adelaide (1995). Beberapa Sertifikasi Internasional yang dipegangnya adalah: Project Management (PM)/ITPM, Software Business Analysis (SBA), Systems Analysis and Design (SAD), Software Quality Assurance (SQA), Software Testing Professional (STP), IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL ), Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP).
  • Memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun di bidang IT, Management and Business. Beliau Mengelola Proyek berskala Nasional dan International. Memberikan jasa konsultansi di bidang Project Management dan IT Pr0ject Management, Enterprise Project Management using Project Server 2003/2007/2010, Pelatihan dan Konsultansi Implementasi Balanced Scorecard, dan IT Management consulting. Beliau merupakan salah satu pendesain software Balanced Scorecard MBRIO yang telah digunakan beberapa perusahaan swasta berskala UKM.
  • Beliau berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun memberikan pelatihan baik public maupun in-house dan Coaching untuk bidang IT Management termasuk: Project Management (PM)/ITPM, Software Business Analysis (SBA), Systems Analysis and Design (SAD), Software Quality Assurance (SQA), Software Testing Professional (STP), IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL V2 and V3 ), Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP), IT Risk Management, Information Security Management based on PBI, , COBIT 5 Foundation, Operation Management ( supply chain management, logistics management, warehouse management, inventory management), project financing.
  • Dari tahun 2001 s/d sekarang Beliau telah membimbing lebih dari 5000 para project Manager di Indonesia mempelajari Project Management dan IT Project Management berdasarkan standard defector PMBOK –PMI,USAmulai dari versi 2000, 2004, dan PMBOK 2008.
  • Beberapa klien yang pernah mendapatkan bimbingan/ training/coaching/ konsultasi Project Management/ IT Project Management sejak 2001 s/d sekarang diantaranya adalah:
    • PEMERINTAHAN & BUMN: Bank Indonesia, PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Depnakertrans, Departemen Dalam Negri, Departemen PU, Departemen Agama, Departemen Keuangan, PLN, BKPM, BPKP, PT. PUSRI, Sekolah Staff Komando Angkatan Laut (SESKOAL). PT. Telkom, PT. Sigma Cipta Caraka, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), PT. Antam, Tbk, PT. Laras Astra Kartika, dll.
    • PERUSAHAAN SWASTA: PT. Bank Artha Graha International Tbk, Bank BTN, PT. Bank UOB Buana, Artha Jasa, Kabel Vision, Alcatel, PT. Hindoli (A Cargill Co), Satelindo, Excelcom, Bank Bali, Bank Permata, Tbk, Citra Sari Makmur, PT. Amway Indonesia, PT. Pabrik Kerta Tjiwi Kimia, PT. Astragraphia, Tbk, Metro TV news, PT. Intikom, PT. Bank DKI, Galenium Pharmasia Lab, PT. Unicharm Indonesia, PT. Primacom, PT. Gramedia – Majalah, Swadharma, PT. Data Script, PT. Bank Mega, PT. Astra Oto Parts, Talisman Energy Inc, PT. Berca Hardaya Perkasa, PT. Mandiri Sekuritas, PT. Arutmin, ACC, dll.
    • PERUSAHAAN ASING: Caltex, Unocal, PWC, Chevron, BHP Billiton, Vico Indonesia, PT. Coats Indonesia, PT. Sumiko Leadframe Bintan, PT. Metlife Sejahtera, Santos Asia Pacific Pty Ltd, German Centre, PT. Thames PAM Jaya, PT. AC Nielsen Indonesia, KPC, PT. Freeport Indonesia, PT. Mattel Indonesia, PT. Bank Rabobank International Indonesia, PT. Roche Indonesia, PT. Nestle Indonesia, PT. Arun LNG, PT. Sinar Meadow International Indonesia, PT. Bank HSBC, PT. Oberthur Indonesia, PT. Bank Woori Indonesia, PT. Bank ofTokyo, PT. Atlas Copo, PT. Bank RBS,dll.
    • UNIVERSITAS & LSM: Universitas PETRA, STIE Perbanas, Universitas Trisakti, HIV Foundation, Universitas Maranatha, Universitas Satya Wacana, Universitas Atmajaya World Vision, dll.



  • HSP Academy Training Center (Dengan peserta maksimal 15 orang)
  • Hotel POP BSD, Grand Zuri BSD atau Fame Hotel Gading Serpong (Dengan peserta diatas 15 orang)


Rp. 4,500,000,- (Empat Juta Lima Ratus Ribu Rupiah)


HSP Academy Training Center

Ruko Graha Boulevard Blok D 26 Gading Serpong – Tangerang

Tlp. (021)29001151-53

0822 9980 1099 atau 0812 1990 1006 atau 0812 8388 6030

Fax. (021)29001152


@@@@@@ Software Project Management @@@@@